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Markers let you codify your topics with visual icons, shapes, or textual tags.

markersAdding markersArray[]

Notice: If you pass a name property to the marker object, when a user hovers over the marker the tooltip will show and use that name, it’s also used to connect Lines as a unique identifier.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  markers: [
    { name: 'Egypt', coords: [26.8206, 30.8025] },
    { name: 'United Kingdom', coords: [55.3781, 3.4360] },
      name: 'United States',
      coords: [37.0902, -95.7129],
      // Add style for this particular marker
      // Keep in mind `style` object is merged with `markerStyle.initial`
      style: { fill: 'red' }

The marker options configuration.

You may want to select a set of markers initially with some styles to make them unique.

Add the selectedMarkers property, then you will need to add the indexes of the markers you want to select.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  markers: [
    { coords: [-14.2350, -51.9253] },
    { coords: [35.8617, 104.1954] }
  selectedMarkers: [0] // Select the first marker in the array

Choose whether the markers are selectable or not, default is false

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  markersSelectable: true // The markers are selectable

To allow only one marker to be selected, set markersSelectableOne to be true, default is false

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  markersSelectableOne: true

Cotrolling the marker style for initial, hover, selected, and selectedHover states.

Notice: Feel free to add any circle valid property, and again each style property in initial object can be added to hover, selected and selectedHover objects as well

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  markerStyle: {
    initial: {
      stroke: '#676767',
      strokeWidth: 2.5,
      fill: '#ff5566',
      fillOpacity: 1
    hover: {},
    selected: {},
    selectedHover: {}

You can add an image as a marker instead of circle as well.

const map = new jsVectorMap({
  markerStyle: {
    initial: {
      // Add default image marker.
      // image: '/path/to/image'
  markers: [
    { name: 'Egypt', coords: [26.8206, 30.8025] },
    { name: 'United States', coords: [37.0902, -95.7129] },
      name: 'United Kingdom',
      coords: [55.3781, 3.4360],
      style: {
        image: '/images/pin.png' // Add a marker image for this particular marker.

To control the label style you will need to add a new property called markerLabelStyle to the map.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  markerLabelStyle: {
    initial: {
      fontFamily: "'Inter', sans-serif",
      fontSize: 13,
      fontWeight: 500,
      fill: '#35373e',
    // You can control the hover and selected state for labels as well.
    hover: {
      fill: 'red'
    selected: {
      fill: 'blue'

The markers methods are a set of useful functions you can call after the map has loaded eg: add marker, remove marker etc.

You may want to add a new marker programmatically after the map has been loaded, for example add a new marker when the user clicks a button.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ })

// Add one marker
map.addMarkers({ name: 'Russia', coords: [61, 105] })

// Or pass an array of markers
  name: 'Russia',
  coords: [61, 105]
}, {
  name: 'Egypt',
  coords: [26.8206, 30.8025],
  // Add additional style for this particular marker.
  style: { fill: 'red' }

You may want to get the current selected markers to send them to the server-side for example, here is how you can do that.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ })

// returns an array of markers indexes: [0, 2, 3]

You may want to clear all selected markers.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ })

map.clearSelectedMarkers() // returns undefined

If you want to remove certain markers or all markers entirly you can use removeMarkers method.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ })

// Notice this method accepts an array of markers indexes you want to remove
map.removeMarkers([1, 3])

// As of v1.3.2 if you didn't pass the indexs, all markers will be removed