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  • Regions


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This section describes how to control region style and manipulate the regions.

As we already said before in markers section, controlling the regions style is the same, add any valid path property to initial, hover, selected and selectedHover.

Setting the region initial style.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  regionStyle: {
    initial: {
      fill: '#ff5566',
      stroke: "#676767",
      strokeWidth: 2.5,
      fillOpacity: 1

Setting the region style on hover state.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  regionStyle: {
    // Everything in initial property can be overwritten here
    hover: { fill: 'blue' }

Setting the region style on selected state (when the region is selected).

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  regionStyle: {
    selected: { fill: 'red' },
    selectedHover: { fill: 'purple' }

You may want to select some regions initially with some other styles to make them unique as we did in markers section.

Notice: the selection of regions is by using region code.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  selectedRegions: ['EG', 'US']

Choose whether the regions are selectable or not, default is false

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  regionsSelectable: true

To allow only one region to be selected, you will need to add this property, default is false

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  regionsSelectableOne: true

You may want to add a label for a specific region, here is the labels property comes in.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  labels: {
    regions: {
      render(code) {
        return ['EG', 'CN'].indexOf(code) > -1 ? 'Hello' + code : null

To control the label style you will need to add a new property called regionLabelStyle to the map.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ 
  regionLabelStyle: {
    initial: {
      fill: '#35373e',
      fontFamily: 'Poppins',
      fontWeight: 500,
      fontSize: 13,
    // Same properties in initial object can be overwritten in hover and selected states.
    hover: {},
    selected: {},
    selectedHover: {}

You may want to get the current selected regions to send them to the server-side for example, here is how you can do that.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ })

console.log(map.getSelectedRegions()) // returns an array of region codes: ['EG', 'US', ]

Finally you can remove all selected regions.

const map = new jsVectorMap({ })
